Disable Cursor Speed Scaling in Gnome

Posted on August 12, 2022

If you enable display scaling on Gnome for HiDPI monitors your cursor speed is also multiplied at the same scale. This is generally the preferred behavior for normal desktop usage or multiple monitor setups with different PPIs. But if you are a hardcore gamer you might want to fully utilize your mouse’s DPI and achieve 1-1 mouse input for the most precise cursor movement.

Unfortunately there is no toggle to this behavior. So I made this simple patch to mutter that you can apply to completly disable mouse scaling. Remember that to achieve 1-1 mouse input you have to also use a flat mouse acceleration profile.

If you are using NixOS you can simply apply this overlay:

nixpkgs.overlays =
  [ (self: super: {
    gnome= super.gnome.overrideScope' (selfScope: superScope: {
      mutter = superScope.mutter.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
        patches = oldAttrs.patches ++ [(fetchurl {
          url = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/wakira/6a9e4845ff99f5e419575e88e5d3a1ae/raw/a7d5d87df75634676af1c3d9705c25bf3c264200/disable-input-scaling.patch";
          sha256 = "01q6y4maav4z1518mh6xdzi8mhvx1baim5dr9y9cgma75i9pky6s";